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Do you perfer staying in a place all your life?_高考

更新时间:2024-04-28 03:32:19

Do you perfer staying in a place all your life?_高考英语作文

There is a widespread concern over whether it's a bad thing that people ive in a placeall their live. But it's well known that one man'meat is another man'spoison. A majority of people think that staying in a place for a long time is a better choice.In their views there are two reasons contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place,people who stay in one spot can develop a lifetime friendship,and such a friend will give a hand without hesitation if trouble comes .In the second place ,when people move to different places,they usually are under pressue from strangeness.A person may feel lost and tense in a place where streets,stores and schools are all different. As a saying goes :Fear always springs from ignorance. people, however ,differ in their opnions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that people shouldn't live in one place through their lives.In their opint of view,on the one hand,people who spend a lifetime in one location can be locked into a limited way of life. A real problem is that life lacks passion.On the other hand,those who move frequently have a variety of outlooks.There is a chance to appreciate different ways of life. As far as I am concerned, I finally agree the view that people shouldn't stay in a place all their lives.It's not only because people can broden their vision indiferent places, but also because fear will disappear with time. There is no doubt that nothing brave nothing have.


【(2001•长沙)如图所示,电源电压为4伏且保持不变,虚线框内的电路中接有两个阻值均为R的电阻,当开关S由闭合到断开时,电流表的示数减少了0.5安.问:(1)开关S由闭合到断开,电路】 烷烃的一氯取代产物怎样数?如何写出有四种一氯取代的戊烷? 对于幻灯片中文本框内的文字,设置项目符号可以采用______。A、“工具”菜单中的“拼音”命令项B、“插入”菜单中的“项目符号”命令项C、“格式”菜单中的“项目符号”命令项D 【"天上的云形态各异,什么样子的都有"该写成排比句】 古文劝学句式类型写出下列各句的句式类型1.而寒于水2.輮以为轮3.虽有槁暴,不复挺者,輮使之然也 天上的云彩形态各异,什么样子的都有.(改成排比句) 关于申请公费读研的问题 下列动物中,无社群行为的是A.蜜蜂B.白蚁C.大象D.虎 想考研,我首先应该怎么做 同义句1.Ididn'tknowanythinguntilhetoldme.Iknew___________hetoldme.2.Beforewatchingthedocumentary,Itookashower.I______watchthedocumentary_____Itookashower.3.Don'tleavebeforetheteachercomesback._____________theteachers 【作文,又是一年花开时,】 中国人民大学的土地资源管理专业的研究生怎么样啊? 选出标点正确的一句(2分)A.山海关,这号称天下“第一关”的山海关!B.山海关,这号称:“天下第一关”的山海关!C.山海关,这号称“天下第一关”的山海关!D.山海关!这号称“ 如何证明正弦定理是当所要证的三角形是钝角三角形时,当直角和锐角的时候,我已经会证了,只剩下钝角时简化:证:在钝角三角形里,a/sinA=b/sinB=c/sinC=2R 【讲话提纲的形式是什么】